I Regret
I regret not jumping on every ship that sailed to a different place.
A new place.
I regret not listening to the angel on my shoulder.
I regret not exorcising every demon that possessed me.
I regret not leaving you... I regret the day I stood at the altar to be a part of you.
I regret the pacts we made. The lies we told.
I regret being your throw pillow when you got angry.
Your punching bag when you were drunk.
And your offensive words when I did not obey.
I regret giving you my freedom and the chance to chain me.
I regret the day I let you take me to be yours.
I do...I dont.
HELLO MOONWALKERS, so a little problem on my book....wattpad deleted it. So now I'm just trying to make all these chappies again so I can let you be satisfied. But this was a poem that came from hearing a story about a woman who was abused by her husband for 10 years and I thought that it would make an amazing story....sooo....YEAH