
Wow, sorry i missed all your comments on ik story, they are all appreciated! I've been trying to get started on chapter 7 but school and life in general have been kicking my ass these last weeks. In 2 weeks autumn break starts, let's hope for some free time. Enjoy your day everyone! 


Wow, sorry i missed all your comments on ik story, they are all appreciated! I've been trying to get started on chapter 7 but school and life in general have been kicking my ass these last weeks. In 2 weeks autumn break starts, let's hope for some free time. Enjoy your day everyone! 


Thanks for following me! Much appreciated ^^
          On a side note, hope you enjoy my HP story "Godfather" if you hopefully decide on taking a look at it. . . As much as I enjoyed reading yours ❤ I'd appreciate any of your votes and comments! 
          Have a great day/night :-) 


@ FatherSon  hello!
            The same here, appreciate it! Hopefully you liked my story :). As for yours, i have it in my library, so when i finish my current fanfic i'll get to it!
            Have a lovely day! 


Thank you for all the love you showed yesterday for my stories...WOW! ❤️ I followed you as well. I have one horse left, an Arabian by the name of Markida (we call her Kiki). My gelding (Bo) got injured in a mud slide so we had to put him down. We are looking to find Kiki a pasture mate...even if it’s a little Pygmy goat at this point...she’s been alone too long...I can’t get a halter on her to take her for a walk, much less get on her. Poor thing, but she’s driving me nuts! 


 I'm still reading them so you'll receive even more love! ❤️ I really think you're a great writer, love your style. 
            Aww, poor horsie! It is always difficult to lose one.. And poor Kiki, hope you find someone for her soon! I too hate to keep my horses alone, I feel like they need a herd, how tiny it is doesn't matter, but horses deserve a friend. Why can't you walk with her? My oldest horse (the white one, Domengo) turned 24 this year, I don't ride him anymore but he still does great. Hope you have great day! 


hi x3 
          the reasons you hate pop music; i feEL YOU ugh. i hate pop too. 
          also, love your taste in music xD plus Kellic and Jalex are mMMMmm. 
          okie idk you much but i hope you have a great day ^_^


YAS I Thoth I was the only one who hates pop music


Ikr! Their kisses are sooo cute aww.. and that's good to hear


they so are, come on c: they've admitted it on so many occasions and their kiSSES 
            okayi'mgood x3 