Something that she took place in too and she said that Camaryn was the only one. You guys should stop wasting your time following her because she's nothing but a two-faced liar and she's hasn't she's not even 12 yet. I think that's the end of what I have to say because I'm sick and tired of her crap because she's constantly lying to my face and then expecting me to believe it. I'm done Julia get mad at me all you want I don't care don't talk to me for the rest the school year I don't care but don't come crying to me whenever Camaryn isn't your friend anymore. Camaryn says she's confused and she doesn't know whether she should be your friend or not. Hate me, move to Central whatever I don't care just get out of my life. Oh Camaryn what's the password to pepper productions YouTube channel because you stupid brat that she came up was it and you did nothing just as usual.