Oof my stomach hurts like hell, Wanna Know why? I Just got back from a party and at the end we sat down and played truth or dare my Bf is annoyed at meh bc he sleeping and I called him xD
Soo...In my school the cops came just for a visit.. they said if a child watches porn they can go to jail... Does Lemons count as Porn or nah? I'm scared they can track ur phone to ;-;
I'm so excited I'm goingto a Con May 24-26 and im going to be cosplaying as Lucy. The only reason I'm cosplaying as Lucy bc all my friends say I act like Lucy and I kind of look like her. ( The only thing is I have brown hair that's it)
Hey Im Bk for some reason....But I Just Went To A Con and Im Going To Another one I Got 3 Undertale Posters and a Natsu and Happy one and I'm solo happy
So I was on a Trip with my class and there was rows and we were on a row that was maybe 40 Feet off the ground and My Bf is scared of hights and me and my friend didn't know so when we walked in and just told us when we got in we sat down and he was so frozen he couldn't move so my friend told me to hold his hand so I did and it helped him idk how but it did so after the trip when we were getting on the bus my other friend yelled Relationship Goals and my friend that was with us said Oh Yeah They Were Holding Hands The Whole Time It Was So Adorable I got so upset but whatever I just wanted to post this bc I'm going to post about my life so yay hope you enjoy
Great way to Start This Year Being Alone Then Meeting Someone Again Who Turns Out To Be My "True Love" Which My Friends Call Us I Just Hope It Works Out Even Tho Its Been A Rough Year Hopefully I Get Through This So Plz Give Me Some Good Advice