Name: Jacob Davids (if you don't mind)
Age: 35
Sexuality: Gay
Nationality: Irish
Appearance: short, messy black hair and blue eyes. He is medium height.
Personality: Funny, kind and energetic. He's friendly and is empathetic. He has was judged for being gay as a kid and it made him feel depressed, and now he doesn't want anyone to feel like that.
Ok with getting injured:yes
disorders/allergies: Allergic to bees
phobias: Atychiphobia
tags: already done
role: Parent two Family two
(if you don't mind)
Moosey4d's avatar
3 hours ago
Name: Silena Trian (pronounced tree-an)
Age: 17
Sexuality: Bisexual
Nationality: English, but moved to America when she was seven before going to Australia at age 12, and then going back to england. (weird hybrid accent)
Appearance: Silena has pale skin and gold eyes, her hair is wine red. Silena is tall and slim with crimson lips. She has several ear piercings that are silver studs that run along the cartilage of her ear and a snake bite piecing in her ear lobe. She generally wear black leggings, lace up black converse boots, black shirts and a black wool sweater. Likes wearing black eyeliner.
Personality: Silena is quiet and likes reading, but she can be very fierce and sarcastic when she talks. She doesn't make friends easily and those friends she has, she will be loyal for life. When she gets angry she is vicious, and very, very sarcastic.
ok with getting injured?: Yes
Disorders/Allergies: ADHD, bipolar disorder and anxiety.
Phobias: Axtaxophobia (fear of disorder and untidiness)
Tags: @Beau4d @hellohumansofthisworld @Forbiddenworldseries
Role; Special person