@MagdaGieczewska Hi! I just read the first two chapters of 'Dutch Maple Creek.' It's a very intriguing plot line so far! Good job! If you are interested in mystery/adventure/riddle novels, maybe you could check out the book I'm working on now? (It's called 'Grandfather's Secrets' if you're interested.) Don't feel like you have to but it would be appreciated! Btw I followed and commented. :)

@MagdaGieczewska Of course! I'm excited for the next book! In the mean time I'll make sure to read your other books as well!

@spunkypunkin Thank you for opinion. It is important to me! Now I am writing the first volume of this story. When I'm done, I'll turn to the next story. I can reveal that it will be titled "The mists of Ravenwood" and include cutscenes.