PSA to Fellow Americans
Hi. I know a lot of you are upset right now. I know a lot of people took this election to heart. This election got a little too personal and in the end it's made a mess of us. I feel a lot of people under voting age don't know as much as they think they do about this election, and I know quite a few people eligible to vote probably didn't know as much as they thought about this election. There are two sides to every story. But, is this really how to act? For the past fifteen months we have given other countries stuff to laugh at, mock, grow anxious over, be nervous about, etc. It's time to stop. Don't say how you'll "move to Canada". You need to stay here and have a voice because this is your country. Donald Trump is your leader. Leaving this country won't make Donald Trump go away. Stop finding the bad in all of this and realize we aren't completely done for. Use your voice and make a stand because at least you can. Or, did you forget, that you live in a democracy, and that if it's something that truly should be fought for, you have the power to do it?