
Happy PRIDE month y’all.
          	!Save the bees
          	Plant more trees
          	Clean the seas
          	Punch nazis!


So I’m having my left ovary removed and having cell samples taken from my abdomen area to make make sure the cancer didn’t spread anywhere else. It going to be within the next 8 weeks max. But right now everything looks clean. I *may* not even need chemotherapy.
          The second best news I got yesterday (15th) was I was given the choice of a full hysterectomy, at 19, from a woman doctor. 
          Canada has racists, xenophobes, homophobes, transphobes and many more ugly people but our healthcare is *decent*.
          My regular doctor would have never given me the option to have a hysterectomy, she didn’t even want to remove the ovary that *potentially* had cancer on it unless necessary even though I said I wanted it removed to be “better safe than sorry” because I’m so young and it’s a big loss.


Heads up peeps
          —If you are any of the following go ahead and unfollow me now.—
          If you support or agree with:
          - The police
          - Homophobic
          - Transphobic
          - pro life
          - Xenophobic
          - Racist
          - White supremacist
          - Anti immigration
          - COVID denier
          - Anti vaxx
          - Anti mask
          - Victim blamer or shamer
          - SWERF
          - TERF
          - Use the “N” slur and are yt 
          - Use the “r” slur
          - Slut-shamer
          - Climate change denier
          - Republican
          - Believe in all lives matter 
          - Believe in blue lives matter (it’s not real)
          - if you think it is okay to spank children
          !UNFOLLOW ME!
          Thanks and g-d bless