
A double release of chapters 3 and 4 of Exit Trials!! Enjoy!


Chapter One of my brand new mystery novel entitled Exit Trials has just been released. I don't want to give anything away but I think it's going to surprise you. Take a trip to Nightshade Village and start a new book today! Feedback is highly appreciated :)


Hellooooo everybody. Firstly I'm looking to do  my own awards competition here on wattpad full of some really fun and unique categories that's suitable for everybody to try. If you'd be interested in entering or judging this fun competition, please react to this post. If you want to help organise it with me then drop a comment or message me. Now spread the word, because the Alphoria Awards are coming...


@MorganDavid5 Nice! I'll be looking out for it when it's posted :)


Random quote of the day: "Laugh hard. Run fast. Be kind." From Doctor Who with Peter Capaldi in Twice Upon a Time.
          Chapter 1 of They Walk at Night is out and I'm in the progress of writing the next chapter of the Sacred Unity. Let me know your thoughts.


I've just published an introduction to a new book I'm writing called "They Walk At Night". It's a sci-fi horror piece set in the far future of 2022. Please give it a read and let me know your thoughts, particularly on the first person writing style. Have a great day!