So I feel like I owe you guys an update about where my head had been at. This is gonna be a long one.
I’ve been burning through my reserve chapters of “Imperfect Match” and “History of Violence” just because my head and heart have not been on this account. In 2018, my best friend presented me with a novel idea that I started picking away at for her because she’s not a writer. The problem with that is that I lost focus on it when I transitioned from being a Fanfic account to an Apply Fic account. And now, my heart isn’t necessarily with these stories anymore because I did a stupid thing and got my one friend, Avery (historicnerd), to lock me out of this account while I was working on a school project that needed more attention than I was giving it. Since I didn’t have access to these stories to work on them, I picked up the novel I was writing for my best friend again and fell back in love with that story. It’s become my primary writing focus again as I hit a new milestone in my life. As for my future with this account, it’s foggy. I am very particular in the way I function and when I put things down for too long, I lose interest. I was updating two stories every week like clockwork. It was exhausting. And the stories I wanted to write aren’t getting the attention I needed for them to be able to function. It was so discouraging. So until further notice, my books will be temporarily discontinued. Maybe they’ll get picked up one day like I did with “A Few Billion” but for now, I emotionally can not handle working on three separate books, two of them requiring new chapters every week. I have to pick a project and I’m choosing my novel for now. I’m not gonna say goodbye, I’m just going to say see you all later.