So here's a question that I thought of earlier I'm a huge reader I've been reading since I was very young like way before I should have started reading. (I was 3 and I'm definitely not anywhere near that now lol) I have more bookshelves in my house than any other thing.
I have found though that since I've started reading online a lot and particularly since I've started reading fanfiction that I just don't pick up physical books like I used to. Has anyone else had that issue and what do you think of going to purely digital libraries? I love books. I love the way they smell, I love the way they feel, I love getting lost in them.... but they're also the biggest pain in the ass to move and that's why I don't move from the apartment I'm in currently that I hate because I literally have like 10,000 books.
So am I the only one feeling this dilemma of wanting to move to a purely digital library but also not wanting to give up any of my physical books?
Anyway it's still San day in the USA for a few more hours so Happy San Day I hope everyone is doing well and taking care of their mental health and staying hydrated and eating and sleeping often enough.