To my dearest Griftkch,
Mother Isabelle, you have no idea how glad I am that you were born. My heart overflows with joy at the reminder that I have a friend like you. My soul dances with ecstasy in knowing that a wonderful human being like yourself exists in this world. My mind, it cannot even begin to comprehend how an ass like me has acquired a fantastic best friend like you.
Today the wind blows and howls your name, knowing that the Mother Delinquent was born today. The birds sing a symphony of twitters and chirps in honour of you, saying amongst themselves “today is the Mother Delinquent’s birthday!” The baristas at coffee shops don’t know it’s your birthday, but know that today, for some reason, they better get you the best cup of tea known to Britian. Kurt Cobain’s eyes flash open in his grave, whispering to himself “it’s the Mother Delinquent’s birthday.”
Isabelle, my dear, my best friend, the most gorgeous and talented British guitarist and future mastermind physicist the world has ever been lucky to have, I hope you have the happiest of birthdays, and many to come. Enjoy being seventeen angelface!! Seize your day!
Kaitie from Canada xx