I was thinking something in the back of my mind cooking, with Odol. In the past, when it was a monarchy. Would there have been a select few humans that would have been given better quality of life or better pay or positions as servants within the castle for their better quality of blood? (Better eating habits and care for their health) And if so, would that have made the entire human populace of Odol care about their eating habits and physical health as well. If, on the off chance of the blood tithe, getting them getting recognized so that they get to serve under wealthy nobles
@MotherofLamias forgotten about the plague for the moment, but definitely would have made the entire country be concerned with hygiene after that disaster
@Lord_of_Dawn that would be a really cool element to add to the history of Odol lol and even be one of the few things that remained even after the fall of the royal family but more so to prevent another plague from happening, magical or otherwise. It'd probably be one of the cleanest countries with the healthiest citizens of all time since hygiene would definitely be a big thing for them too lol