
My dudes, I'm back from the dead


Ok so i know i've been gone for awhile and my deepest, sincerest apologies about that, i've been meaning to get new stories out to those who enjoy them but school has quickly put a hold on any existing projects! I hope to be up and tunning smoother hopefully sometime soon but i'm afraid i can't guarantee anything unfortunatly. I've added a quick little oneshot i did when i should have been working on math  BUT!!! That probably won't happen often...i hope to update road to nowhere soon and possibly crank out either some new stories or oneshots, most of them will probably be billdip but i'll try to work some original content in!  ~end long ass message, sorry again for being offline for so long, a lot is going on currently!


*running, sorry


this message may be offensive
After knocking back an ultra dark monster about ten hours ago, i can offically say i got zero sleep, i'm really bored, and i'm really not ok, lmao, summer is fucking me up...send help


@Davekat101  Well tell me how that works out for ya 


@Bipperlove666 I don't know how that would work but it's worth a shot, i guess, lmao


            What kind of help exactly? Does cutting off the part that hurts count?