
checkout the newest story


Its been two years since my turning point, self awakening begin. And now because writing and this platform was place where I grew before. I come back with a lot of changes and new spirit. High and low shape all human, isn't it beautiful?


Comeback for my self cause, this is like a reading corner, where all my works saved. I sit on the comfortable leather sofa. And begin my observation. Maybe I will stay for a while, maybe I will go again. But here my footprint


I move from wattpad to medium. 
          Lately I enjoy writing non fiction and articles. It wasn't caused I lost appetite to write fiction. But this is the matter of type and platform.
          I really thanks to my reader, I hope next time I could write a novel again .
          Let's meet on medium and instagram for more works of me.


Pemberontakan yang sebatas pilinan kata, masih berlanjut
          Pilinan kata lainnya adalah doa dari masing-masing kita, ibu
          Setiap ibu harus melahirkan ibu
          Bukan pula pria jadi wanita
          Di titik yang kau pijaki, benarkah akumulasi risau itu yang membentukmu
          Ataukah, setiap ibu berada disana?
          ATT 15 Maret 2019


Firasat tentang kita sering bersuara di tengah ombak pikiranku. Aku baru menyadarinya setika suara itu benar terbukti. 
          Entah baik ku percaya atau ku kesampingkan. Tentang menghilang seperti sediakala ku alami. 
          Oh suara yg berbisik. Jangan terjadi.