
so i know I'm definitely sounding like a broken record, but I actually have a reason this time, other than being lazy, as to why I haven't updated in a while. The ao3 author curse (since I post these stories there as well) has finally caught me lol. Recently, though I dont want to go into detail, my sister came very close to passing. So, very obviously, my entire family and I  flew out to where she goes to uni (which is litterly halfway across the globe) to spend time w her. And also quite obviously, I couldnt write during that time :( but now im back home and Im going to start the next chapter- I promise! Also, I'm seeing 127 today in Newark, so I hope I can meet any of you guys there, even if you dont know its me ;p. (also Im now a second semester senior so im pretty much done w everything, except Ap's, but thats only until may!)


so i know I'm definitely sounding like a broken record, but I actually have a reason this time, other than being lazy, as to why I haven't updated in a while. The ao3 author curse (since I post these stories there as well) has finally caught me lol. Recently, though I dont want to go into detail, my sister came very close to passing. So, very obviously, my entire family and I  flew out to where she goes to uni (which is litterly halfway across the globe) to spend time w her. And also quite obviously, I couldnt write during that time :( but now im back home and Im going to start the next chapter- I promise! Also, I'm seeing 127 today in Newark, so I hope I can meet any of you guys there, even if you dont know its me ;p. (also Im now a second semester senior so im pretty much done w everything, except Ap's, but thats only until may!)


hey guys, it's been a while since the last chapter and I just wanted to be transparent about why I'm taking so long to update.  As I said earlier in my pinned post, I've literally drowning in college apps. I finished my November 1st ones, and then immediately had to jump to November 30th, and after these ones, I'm going to have to keep working on January 1st ones. I feel horrible about how long this is taking, and I've written three chapter 17s, but I'll be upset with myself if I post a chapter I'm unsatisfied with. 
          Also, just on a more personal level, aside from stress and what-not, my dog had a really big surgery recently, and is still regaining his ability to walk. This might sound like a stupid excuse, but it's qutie upsetging and is taking up a good amount of my freetime. 
          Writing and publishing chapters is a hobby at the end of the day, and I have no choice but to priortize school, work, and my family (dog :p), and because of that, writing has been put on the back-burner. 
          This is NOT me saying I'm quitting, or going on a hiatius, but more so an explnation. I feel like I owe it to whoever is reading my books, since it's been almost a month since the last chapter. 
          I'm trying my best, and I hope to keep publishing chapters that you guys can enjoy, it just might take a little bit more time :)
          (also, ANY suggestions would help me a bunch, I'm out of ideas as well)


New chapter whennn :D


@hwagjinxz im finally posting one today, i kept rewriting it sorry lol :p


@hwagjinxz I'm almost done with the next one trust lmaoo


Ik this isnt a new chapter or anything, but I've been really busy with school (and college apps D: ), to the point that I quite litterly only have time to go to work, study, and sleep (if im lucky). I really do want to keep updating though, so I'll try my best to publish a good chapter soon :) (and ik this is a whole month away, but worst comes to worse, I'll have much more time after October 15)


i was out of the country this week so…. i’m behind again! (IM SORRY ) 
          My flights kept getting delayed as well so it was super fun!!!!!!!!!
          I’m gonna try and write something when i get home bc my headphones died so i was left alone with my thoughts 


sorry that i'm lowkey spamming the conversation tab (but now that i've found it i can't stop), i've posted chapter 15!
          Chapter 15 also marks the end of the book "Maybe We Were Wrong". It took me about six months (school's really kicking my ass), but alas, it's finally complete. It's the first book I've ever even drafted up, let alone writen, so to me this is quite fufilling. I know I already said this in the actual book, but thank you to everybody who has helped me out while I wrote this, and thanks to any future readers :).
          (and spoiler alert, there's one book rotting in my drafts rn which I hope to start posting soon. It's about a member whos name starts with a 'J')