
me, on my knees, looking up into Cheritz's eyes and sobbing: Please release Ray's route for IOS I'm begging you
          	(Too bad it costs 250 hourglasses and I'm literally broke)


I just finished getting all of the good endings in Code:Realize ~Guardian of Rebirth~ and it just hit me that like
          I'm out of otome games to play right now
          Everything on my laptop?  (Amnesia Memories, Nameless, Hustle Cat, OZMAFIA!!) and my Psvita games?  (Collar X Malice, Code:Realize)
          I've,,, finished them all for the most part, except for trophy hunting but that's always tedious. 
          I want to buy Period Cube but I'm broke rn. I also know that Bad Apple Wars is coming out in the West on September... 29th...? And the art style for that game looks!!!! So!! Good!! 
          I'm gonna be broke at the end of september because Danganronpa V3 is coming out on like the 27th or the 28th? And I think the Persona 5 art book also comes out on the same day as DR3? And I really want the Collar X Malice art book because that game hit me in the fuccin feelings and I love kageyuki shiraishi, takeru sasazuka, and kei okazaki so demon much. 
          2017 is out to get me when it comes to my money apparently because I'm poOR until monday after I get paid
          Anyways I'm a mess this is a long thing rip bye


this just in,
          Kageyuki Shiraishi's route's 'good end' in Collar X Malice is the single most heartbreaking thing I've ever experienced and I can't believe that it's even considered a good end because I actually sobbed. I wish I could show you guys proof but like my face is so gross right now because I've spent the last 20 minutes ugly crying


this message may be offensive
Since my PS Vita arrived, I picked up a few games to play on it (and I already played Takeru's route in Collar X Malice and I'll have you know I only cried for a few hours)
          So anyways I picked up Code:Realize Guardian of Rebirth and let me tell you, 
          I expected Arsène Lupin to be a mysterious and quiet character but instead I got a pompous asshole who I'm most definitely gonna fall in love with


adding on to the thought below, because I never stop talking about otome games apparently, 
          I think my pre owned PSVITA and Collar X Malice come in the mail today (I hope they do because I need to play it /now/) and if they do I'm only gonna sob for a few hours. I'm so so ready to play this game, I don't think I've been this excited to play an otome since I bought "Nameless ~The One Thing You Must Recall~" and I loved that game so so so much, here's hoping Collar X Malice ends up being as good as I hope it to be. 


No joke, I dreamed last night that Cheritz released V's route for Mystic Messenger while I was sleeping, and when I woke up from the dream I went in the game to see if I'd "missed any chatrooms" and I don't think I've ever felt so offended by my dream tricking me because I want to see to good boy's route so bad