Hey everyone, first off thank you guys so much for following me and just being great in general. I am very sorry to have stopped writing my story, only his mistress. I just felt that I have somehow lost my motivation to continue writing even though all you guys are such great readers. To all my supportive readers and followers, I must apologize for letting you guys wait so long. As a reader myself, I know the feeling of waiting for a long time just for a book to be updated so I can empathize. However, in these few months, I honestly have lost all my inspiration and my touch with writing. Because of this, I might unpublish my book. Bear in mind that I am not deleting it but just unpublishing it and giving it some improvement, and at the same time, getting inspiration to continue writing. Note that if I do so, it will take me much time for me to upload the book again. I want to hear what you guys think so do please feel free to say anything. You can reply to this post or just pm me.