I just had a question, are gf and bf even alive? Because in the chapter where there was a hatred simulator. The Spirit deleted the glitch bf and the glitch gf (?). And as far as I know, the glitch bf and the glitch gf are somehow connected with the soul of bf and the soul of gf. If they were deleted, then their souls were also deleted in fact... And another question. What do you think about the variation of bf with the powers that appeared in Funkin corruption reimagined? and also in FCR continuum. Like awakened soul bf, fallen angel bf, wicked bf and StaResurgence bf. I wonder what will happen when the survivors encounter the already corrupted (Y/N) who has shadow powers? How much power is needed to completely uncorrupt him?.. Without taking into account cbf and cgf. I feel that the song will be a "familiar retribution", if this happens.
@Moviemaster100 Is there an alt timeline where Y/N's soul wasn't turned into Glitch Y/N? What would happen if Y/N and his alt version with the real soul met? Or what if the real soul of Y/N ended up in the consciousness of Glitch Y/N?
What happens when corruption and infection from the piggy universe merge together?