
Chapter three will be out tomorrow night. The chapter is taking longer to write than i thought due to internet problems and im re-reading to make sure everything is spelled correctly!


would you guys be weirded out if i just ranted about my day on here? i feel like that would be weird but at the same time i feel like that would be more intresting than the book im writing. Which chapter 2 shouldbe out by the end of the week, i have no clue how to finish ff the chapter lol ill figure it out in a day or two. Ight anyways i love you all make sure ypu guys get enough to eat and drink enough water, please stay healthy<3


GUYSSS I’ve finally talked myself into writing a book, its a Steve Harrington x reader, and I’m super pumped. Even though i suck at writing hopefully with this book it will progress and get better. Buttttt the first chap will be out sometime tomorrow hopefully, its taking me a bit to figure out how to write it but it will for sure be out tomorrow! anyways thats all!