
Wow, so college has had me so much busier than I expected. I know my updates dropped off closer to the summer but between planning to move for college and then actually being there, I haven’t had any time to write.
          	Winter break is coming up though, so I’m hoping to start back up over the next few weeks. I got caught in a spat of nihilism while I was planning out the story beats when the ending came out, so I lost motivation for a while. I’m back now though, and I’m planning on tweaking a few things. 
          	Sorry for the long wait!


Wow, so college has had me so much busier than I expected. I know my updates dropped off closer to the summer but between planning to move for college and then actually being there, I haven’t had any time to write.
          Winter break is coming up though, so I’m hoping to start back up over the next few weeks. I got caught in a spat of nihilism while I was planning out the story beats when the ending came out, so I lost motivation for a while. I’m back now though, and I’m planning on tweaking a few things. 
          Sorry for the long wait!


Posted the next chapter to Limitless Conviction! I’ll have part two of the entrance exams out soon and I’ll see about getting to the mini-arc after that before next Tuesday, which is when I go on vacation. I can’t absolutely promise a regular schedule for chapters (especially if I do whole arcs like I have this far) every week but I’m gonna do my best!


Can I study what is the word maggot means, Lord Popo?


@Mr-Popo Like me Lord Popo?


Maggot, a small insect known to live under dirt and rocks, eating carcasses and rotting flesh. Also a term for someone considered lowly.