Yeah everyone so I just finished watching Invincible and it got me thinking, would you all like to see a sample chapter of a Goku or Gohan Character in the show or a Krypton OC in the story? let me know what your thoughts are!
Yeah everyone so I just finished watching Invincible and it got me thinking, would you all like to see a sample chapter of a Goku or Gohan Character in the show or a Krypton OC in the story? let me know what your thoughts are!
I like the new chapter. Made me sad when we found out about „him“. I liked him. Also „he“ is lost which makes me even more sad. At least „she“ learned and wants to be better.
Yeah everyone so I’m in college and I have a lot of long papers coming up so the updates might be a little longer in the making, I’m sorry about that but being a history major sucks a lot. The story is not on hiatus just longer breaks. Sorry to the inconvenience
@Mr3131 I'm with @WendiKit. Take as long as you need, and even try finding moments for yourself. As much as I love your fic, it's not going anywhere. We'll be back when you're ready.
All right, everyone. Question time: As we are getting close to the end of arc one, would you like one massive final chapter or two to three chapters to wrap up this arc?