
For the first time in many years I have updated my book, The Legend of Zark. I intend to finish it over the following months!


So Stan Lee just died and I'm quite messed up over it. He was an idol of mine and I was a mega fan of everything he did. I write to escape, and Stan was the master of escapism for me. Rest in peace Stan Lee, you will be dearly missed by millions...


Thinking about re-opening my poetry book 'Congestion'. If I do, I plan on adding a new set of 50 poems with a new poem every day focused on themes of love, recovery and finding oneself which would be based on my own experiences and takes on life as of recently. What would you guys think, and who would be interested? Thanks :)


Hey! Just wanted to let my followers know how much I appreciate them. Thank you and don't be afraid to message me if you ever need someone to talk to :)


Have you looked at my newest story "Heroes of Elem"?

