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Yo, long time no see. Just thought to drop by and give an update to the few people who actually are up to date on the old The Hunters and waiting for it to return, as well as just an update to what's been going on with me.
For anyone who just wants an update on how The Hunters is coming along, the short answer is: I haven't done anything with it besides some brainstorming future events with a friend. Just know though, I have started having writing sessions with my friend, so that will get me back into writing and I will make progress on The Hunters. With that out of the way, I'll just give some personal updates, so if you don't care, you can go back to doing whatever you were doing before.
This semester of school took all dreams I had of my senior year of high school and shattered them with a baseball bat named Covid. Online classes suck ass, I haven't been able to hang out with friends, and I have ended up spending most of my time playing video games and watching youtube. But hey, my senior year is halfway done, which means I'm that much closer to leaving online classes behind--unless Covid lasts until next school year, but let's ignore that. Next semester I'm gonna be taking college calc, which is something I'm not looking forward to, but I need to take it for my career path. Outside of school, I've gotten back into Apex and Siege, and I'm somehow still playing Monster Hunter. I've gotten morbidly addicted to Arknights, and I fear for my wallet when W releases next month. I've finally started to practice driving for driver's ed next semester, although it's been snowing, making driving hard. Anyway, now that my update/oversharing no one really cares about is over, I'll leave with some words about the future. I will give no promises when the first few chapters of The Hunters are releases since I never seem to follow them anyway. I'll just say I am working on it, and whenever this second chapter is finished, I'll post an update. Until next time, peace.