
Time for my biannual announcement. This will probably be one of the last ones for a while. The reason behind that being that The Hunters, the story I've been writing for a while, I plan to get it published if I can. That requires me to not have it published anywhere else though, so I won't be able to publish it here anymore.  So, I will become inactive here until I get it written. Once the first book is written and published, you can be damned sure I'm gonna be advertising it here. Until then, peace.


Time for my biannual announcement. This will probably be one of the last ones for a while. The reason behind that being that The Hunters, the story I've been writing for a while, I plan to get it published if I can. That requires me to not have it published anywhere else though, so I won't be able to publish it here anymore.  So, I will become inactive here until I get it written. Once the first book is written and published, you can be damned sure I'm gonna be advertising it here. Until then, peace.


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Yo, long time no see. Just thought to drop by and give an update to the few people who actually are up to date on the old The Hunters and waiting for it to return, as well as just an update to what's been going on with me.
          For anyone who just wants an update on how The Hunters is coming along, the short answer is: I haven't done anything with it besides some brainstorming future events with a friend. Just know though, I have started having writing sessions with my friend, so that will get me back into writing and I will make progress on The Hunters. With that out of the way, I'll just give some personal updates, so if you don't care, you can go back to doing whatever you were doing before.
          This semester of school took all dreams I had of my senior year of high school and shattered them with a baseball bat named Covid. Online classes suck ass, I haven't been able to hang out with friends, and I have ended up spending most of my time playing video games and watching youtube. But hey, my senior year is halfway done, which means I'm that much closer to leaving online classes behind--unless Covid lasts until next school year, but let's ignore that. Next semester I'm gonna be taking college calc, which is something I'm not looking forward to, but I need to take it for my career path. Outside of school, I've gotten back into Apex and Siege, and I'm somehow still playing Monster Hunter. I've gotten morbidly addicted to Arknights, and I fear for my wallet when W releases next month. I've finally started to practice driving for driver's ed next semester, although it's been snowing, making driving hard. Anyway, now that my update/oversharing no one really cares about is over,  I'll leave with some words about the future. I will give no promises when the first few chapters of The Hunters are releases since I never seem to follow them anyway. I'll just say I am working on it, and whenever this second chapter is finished, I'll post an update. Until next time, peace.


Whoops again. I forgot to write the weekly progress report. So here it is, a day late.
          I have written a bit of the second chapter, but it isn't much and it certainly isn't close to being completed. I've been watching youtube in between classes, and I recently got back into Overwatch, so that's been draining all of my time at home. I'm gonna try to stop watching youtube in between classes and write instead. If I manage to keep myself from being distracted, I should have the second chapter finished by next Wednesday. That's all the progress I've made, and hope to make by next week. Until next time, peace.


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Whoops. I wrote the weekly progress report on Wednesday, but I guess I forgot to post it. So here it is, a couple days late.
          I have finished the first chapter and am currently working and some edits to it. I also go back to school today, which under normal circumstances would mean I would have less time to write, but it's actually the opposite. Because of COVID, I only have two classes that meet in-person, one in the morning, one in the afternoon. It would be a waste of time to go home in between classes, so I'll stay at school in between classes. That gives me a metric fuck ton of time to write. I will most likely be able to start publishing chapters in a few weeks, and after that I would post every other week like before. The reason I most likely won't be publishing every week is because, even though I'll have more time to write, the chapters I'll be writing will be longer. A fleshed out schedule will be published when I'm ready to start uploading chapters, but for right now it's looking like I might be able to do a chapter every two weeks. Until next time, peace.


Yo, look at the time. Weekly progress report time.
          I went back and added an arc towards the end of The road map of The Hunters. I felt there was something missing there, so I went and added what I felt was missing. Besides that, I haven't really made too much progress. I go back to school in a week or two, and I'm hoping to have a few chapters written by that point. But, right now I'm having a really hard time writing the first chapter. I just don't quite know how to start everything. Once I get over that hurdle, I should be able to steadily write the chapters. Anyways, that's the progress I've made so far. Until next time, peace.


It's that time again: the Weekly Progress Report. 
          I have completely finished the roadmap for The Hunters, as well as went through and edited somethings to tighten up the story. However, that doesn't mean the Hunters will resume shortly, though. I'm planning to write four or five chapters to get a buffer. of chapters, especially since I'll be going back to school soon. This year will be my senior year, so it should be more relaxed than before. I should be able to write at the same pace as before, if not quicker, but I just want to be safe. This year I'll be taking some college courses, one of which will be chemistry, so I want a buffer in case that class kicks my ass and I can't write as much. Anyways, I'll begin writing the chapters soon, and I will keep you updated with the next weekly progress report.
          Until next time, peace.


So I have decided to post the weekly progress updates on Wednesdays, so check my profile on Wednesday. During these progress reports, I will say how close I think I am to being done with planning, big milestones I've completed, and any other noteworthy information. Without further delay, here is progress report #1:
          I haven't made much progress with planning the later parts of The Hunters, but I have completed my road map of the revised beginning. I'm currently planning to split The Hunters into two-three books. The reason for this is because the beginning I've planned is pretty much a collection of interconnected short stories, which it would be weird to switch from short stories to a normal plot within one book. So the first book will have no real overarching plot, just a collection of hunts and stories relating to the characters. In that collection, there will be the northern arc, the Tristan, Hana, and Saku backstory, the chapter of the MC losing his weapon as well as the follow-up chapter of how Tristan got the new weapon, and many more new hunts. Book 1 will end right before the Behemoth arc, and Book 2 will either end right where the current Hunters left off with the festival, or much later, it all depends on how my planning goes.
          I hope this update was useful for anyone wondering how far I am. Until next time, peace.


The Hunters is going to be getting rewritten. I know I tried to rewrite the Hunters before and it was a failure that I gave up on, and I wouldn't try to rewrite The Hunters again without proper reasoning. Before I was just rewriting because I didn't really like the beginning, and I felt it would work better as an original. This time, I'm kinda forced to rewrite. I've been re-planning The Hunters, and I realized that there are things I want in my story that just don't work in its current state. So what I'm going to do is rewrite The Hunters while making as few changes as possible. The story will mostly stay the same; the main thing I'm changing is character. Izuku's personality is going to change drastically (also since it's going to become an original story all characters from MHA will change). I'm changing the beginning chapters from simple hunts with very little point to scenarios focused on showcasing certain attributes of the characters. I'm hoping all of the changes I make, while not many in count, will improve the story and characters. I have no idea when I'll be done planning and able to start rewriting, but when I am ready I will post an announcement, so be prepared. On top of that, I will try to post an update once a week on how planning is going to make sure it isn't silence from me without any of you guys knowing how things are going. Sorry this was so long, and until next time, peace.


The first chapter of The Hunters has been published. The current cover is a temporary one until my friend finishes and sends me the cover. I rewrote this chapter completely and I'll do the same for the rest of the chapters. Until next time, peace.