. And now for a rant.
Sometimes, I despise being interrupted while I write. Minor interruptions aren't so bad. It is the people who insist on talking to you or wanting you to do things. Almost as if they feel it is unimportant.
"Oh, are you writing? You won't mind doing this thing I want you to do right now even though it can really wait." I'm writing right now and I do mind."Oh just remember what you were gonna write and come back to it. Off you go now, shoo"
How do you come back to a feeling? Some feelings, once lost, are gone forever, especially a fresh new one. And that's what good writing really is. Not grammar, or punctuation, or proliferation. Not vocabulary or diction. Not even the idea. But rather the /feeling/ that idea imparts.
We all have different styles, methods, words, ideas... But the essence of the creative element is in capturing that feeling the writer wishes to impart on the reader. And when you are in the midst of expressing those emotions, being interrupted is beyond aggravating.
It's almost like waking up from a dream that starts slipping away from you faster the longer your eyes are open. Until all you are left with are the pieces of a memory that once felt so close. But all that remains it's the faded dream of what could have been.
I suppose in thought, most of life is like that. So, why should wiring be any different?