
Y'all shouldn't have to wait too long for the next chapter. I've been working on it a lot and I'm already at 6,000 words for it.
          	I'm gonna try to get it out tomorrow, stay tuned.


Hello, my brother, I want to tell you that I loved your story of "a futuristic world", and I just wanted to ask you if
          Is the end of this story approaching and if you can, could you give me some clue as to how it will end?
          Thank you for reading my comment and if so, I hope for your prompt response.


@TheEpicKnight Yes. The end is of the story is coming soon. How it will end though is hard to say.
            All I know is that Poly is F.U.Rs last hope of stopping Y/N and his friends from exposing them for good. So obviously F.U.R is going to spend a little extra cash to improve Poly.


Hello everyone. This is just a small update I wanted to do for y'all.
          My dog has just recently gotten out of surgery, so I'm trying to look after her. I've also been spending a lot of time thinking about how the story should go, so hopefully y'all will have a new chapter out soon!
          Just wanted to do a quick and small update. Stay safe!


@MrDerp1 same here, we all love our dogs


im also glad she's ok


@MrDerp1 glad she's ok, bro.


I was Happy reading your first story "Lost treasures". I left some small comments of what i thought of it.
          Over all, i like the idea of the journey, the Villain, and the people inside.
          But you should place a bit more plausible ideas.
          If the rifle was there, some radio equipment might be lying around (maybe a sailor tries to help, but meets and marries a shark, instead of dying).
          One thing i like to voice: "Ya'll" gets annoying if repeated too many times, use other ways to refer to a group. Use their appearance, way of behaving, what they have in hand, or how they think ("the winter coat", "science team", "sharpies", "the jellied gangle", " misfits", "chucklefucks", "gaggle", "trio", "the gold winners"... and so on).
          Take the idea of them having a different language, make their speech understandable for the characters when they need to.
          "-I said hi!-" 
          "-Dumb says what-"
          You get the idea. If you want to continue the story, i'll gladly read it.


@ Henry-Man  Take your time. I got myself on a project as well, it's taking me almost a week to finish it.


@Henry-Man Thank you for your advice and suggestions! I am heavily considering remastering the story, and I feel like I can do a whole lot better now that I have a bit of more ideas for it. I hope you enjoyed the story and perhaps enjoy the remaster if and when it ever comes out!


I have returned from my little trip. Unfortunately I have not been able to work on the story much during my vacation, but I'm back now and I can begin working on the story again.
          Side note... I absolutely hit the jackpot when it comes to loud kids on a airplane.


I'm going on a trip tomorrow. I don't know how much time I'll have to work on the story, but I'll try my best to work on it whenever I can.
          So I'm basically going to be on vacation I guess you could say. Hopefully I'll still have time to update the story at some point, but we'll see.
          Have a good day!


@MrDerp1 You have enough time to deal with the story, just go ahead and relax yourself and fun


Question, how would y'all feel about more romance in Futuristic world? And how would you like to see it?
          I've been suggested to add more romance into my story, so I want to hear what y'all think about it.


@SoBasicallyN0 Well... Lemon is back on the table now. So take that information as you will.


@MrDerp1 I'm interested to see where you go with that


Hey Mr derp I had a few story ideas for you but since there's no more private messages on Wattpad I'd rather not reveal them on your post board, would you per chance have discord? 


My discord is jaybazerker752


I figured it would be the best way to do private messages so we could talk story ideas, I even am a part of a sorta dying Wattpad server from a long while ago when Wattpad started


@JayBazerker I do, but I don't fully understand how it works since I don't use it often.


I have a couple suggestions/questions about futuristic world.
          Suggestion: Im a little confused on some of the characters such as the protogens and how they work as living beings and size comparisons of most characters. Maybe a chapter can be made at the beginning of current described characters up to the latest chapters of total bios and different societal world characteristics.
          Question: was Luna just a side character or will she be reintroduced later?
          Question: from what I've read I've noticed how Y/n has changed as a character kinda but he doesn't have much in the arsenal of what he can do, would there be any training we would do or maybe be given a weapon of some kind?
          Question: how many chapters do you see this story going for? Cause I personally see it going very far especially with side characters I've noticed been mentioned such as Typhon, maybe a gang member catches us at some point?
          Anyway thank you for reading this and I have you have a great day


@JayBazerker Thank you for asking! 
            With Luna, she was actually originally going to return. She was going to be a plot twist and be shown to actually be a F.U.R spy kinda Character who has been following the main characters and telling Poly where they are. However, this idea was scrapped.
            For Y/N, he is supposed to represent you. Whatever happened in your life is what Y/N lived through in his before he was teleported here. However... As I was writing the story, I started to notice a few problems with how I wrote him as a character. So I'll admit... Y/N is a weak character. Which I will be attempting to fix moving forward.
            For the number of chapters, It'll probably have about maybe around 50 or so. I can make it longer, but I feel 50 is pretty good. There are a few things mentioned in earlier chapters like if I remember right a wanted shark man appears as a wanted criminal, but that can just be removed from the whole story since i made no plans to have something like that happen. Also I've already been preparing future stories too in the background.
            With the protogens and stuff, I've made a few attempts to explain how they work, but I've failed to actually do it because I've made them too complicated where it's hard to not just be straight forward about it with some dialogue or something. I'll definitely think about adding a chapter or something at the beginning to help with this. I actually had to take notes about how I thought of protogens and how they work because I couldn't keep up with my own ideas. The prequel story called Story of Dome will also help with this once I get around to writing it some more.
            I believe that is everything. If you have further questions feel free to ask me. I hope you have a good day!