
I know it's been a while but here is a quick update:
          	As of right now, all chapters are complete and I have been going through and revising all of them. I will finish my revisions by the end of the month and the very most. Then I will send it out to publishers. Right now I just got done revising chapter 15 so I am over halfway done. Anyways I am very pleased with how this project has gone and I can't wait for you to see the finished project.


I know it's been a while but here is a quick update:
          As of right now, all chapters are complete and I have been going through and revising all of them. I will finish my revisions by the end of the month and the very most. Then I will send it out to publishers. Right now I just got done revising chapter 15 so I am over halfway done. Anyways I am very pleased with how this project has gone and I can't wait for you to see the finished project.


chapters 19 and 20 will come out TOMORROW at 7:00 P.M Mountain time. As I stated previously this is it for this version of the book. I will continue to work on the book separately from this account. I feel like having the entire book available for free here would make it unappealing to publishers. I hope you all understand. I will still give updates on my book however so stay tuned!


Chapter 18 of The Murder of Crows is out now. This one is the final chapter for Drake this part 2 so I really put my all in it to make it as good as possible. Plus I wrote a quick little short story called, The Binary Cluster. I wrote itr for school but I decided to post it here to since I think it is pretty good. Chapter 19 and 20 migght not release next week. These are both bigger chapters and they kind of need to release at the same time for the reveal I want to do to work so you might not get any more content till the following week. Also I am going to stop updating this version on wattpad after those chapters release. I decided to keep the last part exclusive to the full release. I know that is a bummer but I feel like it is necessary especially since I want this book to be as appealing to publishers as possible and ahvign the entire story be free on wattpad doesn't sound to exciting. I will still post updates on both here and my twitter so you guys will still know what is happening with the progress of my book. Sincerely, Mr. Imada.


Chapters 15, 16 and 17 are out now for my book, The Murder of Crows! I also changed up how the story is formatted giving each chapter its own part. This just makes it easier to read I feel. Anyways I hope you enjoy these chapters!


I just finished chapter 14. It's a bit of a shorter one but next week will make up for this one's small length for sure. Also I am going to change how the story is organized here on wattpad by making each chapter its own part on here. Anyways I hope you enjoy reading chapter 14!


Also chapter 15 is part two to the original chapter 10. Just thought i would mention that. I finally get to finish it. I can't wait to write this!


Hey Chapter 13 is now done. As for chapter 14's release I will try and get it out next Saturday but I have football for most of this week so development will be slowed. Anyways  I hope you enjoy this new chapter.


Hey Chapter 12 is done! This was actually finished one Tuesday but I waited to release it on Saturday like I always do. This means I have a decent amount of chapter 13 done. It should be released next week on Saturday but it is quite a lengthy chapter so I am not sure. Anyways I hope you enjoy this new chapter!


Update: The Murder of Crows 11th chapter is done. This one was a fun one to work on and I am really proud of it. It will be released tomorrow at 5 pm mountain time. I hope you all enjoy it! Alongside its release will come various changes to the entire first part of the story. Sincerely, Mr Imada.