
Hiya guys! I just made a new Instamagram (Instagram) and I know y'all don't care, however I wanted to say that you can now follow me on it! My username is Mr_Majestic_Bitch so if ya want to talk to me or recommend something to me or anything at all, ya get me contact here  have a nice day and sorry for wasting yar timeeeee


Hiya guys! I just made a new Instamagram (Instagram) and I know y'all don't care, however I wanted to say that you can now follow me on it! My username is Mr_Majestic_Bitch so if ya want to talk to me or recommend something to me or anything at all, ya get me contact here  have a nice day and sorry for wasting yar timeeeee




To reply to your comments on my book..
          He only talks cause it's an FF, I'm not entirely sure if he does in the actual Silent Hill things.
          Why are you questioning your childhood?
          Could you figure out what's causing you to rage, or no?


@MrKingdomHearts I see. Pm if you wanna talk about it more to vent ^^


@Harmony234_FTW Okay Im questioning my childhood because yesterday i started reading the lemon thing with like almost everything in Silent hill and then i questioned myself on why i was doing this and then i was raging cause i almost died in Fatal frame trial for the black water maiden and then P.H. could talk and i was like wwwwaaaaaaaat???? so ye


Heck yeah Kingdom Heart's!<3


@MrKingdomHearts It's ok not everyone can enjoy something awesome! Yuri on ice is exactly how you said it.


@Anime_Fan-Chan you are very rude and kingdom hearts is a video game that many people include me grew up with. Don't know what got ya all salty bout but Yuri on Ice was okay but got really boring near the ending


@-_Forever_Alone_- I don’t know what the fück  is Kingdom Heart, but it sound pretty boring as a plain fück.
            Yuri on Ice is much better.