No updates, sad I know. I’m kinda moving into another stage of my life right now, high school and whatnot, so I’m just not really writing anymore really. I love it but it’s becoming more of a hassle and a job, then me bring my creativity and stories to life. It dosen’t really fulfill my passions anymore. Sorry to those who looked forward to my one shots and stuff. Idk I just kinda lost motivation for this, I still do love fan fiction, fandom works and reading. I’ve always been more of an artist than a writer though. So if you want to see more content from me in general go to my tumblr Korral-Craftin If you want more Artist stuff then go to Korral-Craftin on Art fight, as I am participating actively. (Is this a shameless promotion, Yes, yes it is) For those of you still wonder about this wattpad page, I will be a lot less interactive just in general if you haven’t noticed. I wouldn’t say I’ve moved on exactly it’s just I’m not really writing fics or stories in general so I’m just reading a fic or two randomly. I’m not really sure if I’ll continue writing so if you see updates it’s a strike of motivation type thing so I’m not gonna be consistent or updating anything :P Bye for now

P.S. I may or may not clean up what ever drafts I have and post. Like the ones I mentioned working on, but please don’t expect anything.