
Two options. 
          	Two options could change our lives; three if you wanted to be more specific. 
          	One could destroy many people, creating a wave of chain reactions.
          	The other would cause the destruction of that one person. But hey, at least they didn't cause suffering.
          	The third is a possibility: You could do it and never get caught, do it and end up getting caught, or do it and end up with option 1 again. 
          	It's a hard decision. No one can make it for them but they can't decide what's right. 
          	To go on, to try and stay fighting?
          	Or to stop the suffering and feeling of mass anxiety, panicking over stupid things and having breakdowns over the smallest things.
          	Use a coping method? No. People would see it and judge.
          	Two options. One decision. One chance.


Two options. 
          Two options could change our lives; three if you wanted to be more specific. 
          One could destroy many people, creating a wave of chain reactions.
          The other would cause the destruction of that one person. But hey, at least they didn't cause suffering.
          The third is a possibility: You could do it and never get caught, do it and end up getting caught, or do it and end up with option 1 again. 
          It's a hard decision. No one can make it for them but they can't decide what's right. 
          To go on, to try and stay fighting?
          Or to stop the suffering and feeling of mass anxiety, panicking over stupid things and having breakdowns over the smallest things.
          Use a coping method? No. People would see it and judge.
          Two options. One decision. One chance.


Best thing about being trans and taking draw,a for GCSE? You can ask how to pass and have a reason!
          For example, I was a guy for a small performance, so I had to sit masculine and do the man walk. 
          I can easily ask "how do I boy?" And say "I want to be able to act better" if they ask why. 
          Perks of a drama student.