
Since I am also stuck on ideas for the O5-10 book, I feel that my brain is itching to show you guys more chapters of other fic ideas.
          	So while I try to maneuver around the MANY problems I feel like the O5-10 book has, expect maybe a second fic to be published (definitely not today though). 
          	This is just a little something to keep me and possibly you guys occupied while waiting for whatever the hell I want the O5-10 book to be. 


Since I am also stuck on ideas for the O5-10 book, I feel that my brain is itching to show you guys more chapters of other fic ideas.
          So while I try to maneuver around the MANY problems I feel like the O5-10 book has, expect maybe a second fic to be published (definitely not today though). 
          This is just a little something to keep me and possibly you guys occupied while waiting for whatever the hell I want the O5-10 book to be. 


*Crawls out of cave while covered in dirt from doing absolutely nothing these past months.*
          Greetings. No announcements from me in a while. 
          I decided to delete the Ms. Karma story and put it on a completely different account. I’ve decided that to be more organized, I am going to separate my original stories and fanfictions in their separate accounts. 
          Meaning in THIS account, I will post only fanfics from now on. 
          That’s pretty much it. 
          The chapters of 05-10 is not going well for me. I am having SEVERE writing block for that book, and I mean SEVERE. I am a guy who looks working on more than one story (ADHD things), but until then, I need to plan what I’m going to make do with the O5-10 book. 
          That’s all. Have a good day/evening/afternoon/night .


@MrPluto11 nice. Thanks, I'm going to read it once more


Title’s been renamed to “Karmic Reaper”. Decided it was a much better title.


I’m gonna do a double-post with the O5-10 book with the way things are going. This’ll only be for now, so after that, it’s back to singular chapter posts.
          Don’t expect the double post to happen today or tomorrow though. Expect it in like maybe a few weeks.


Repost because I am gonna need some responses to this.
          Alright guys, another question regarding the 05-10 book.
          It's already been made clear that there will be fight scenes coming in pretty quickly with chapter 11. Plus with my last question with the 05-10 book, some of y'all (2) said you'd like to see the perspective of the other 05 girls during their fight scenes.
          So l'd like to ask you all a question.
          - Would you rather me separate each fight in separate chapters? (Ex: 05-11 VS. SCP 173 will be its own chapter)
          - Would you rather me include two fights per chapter?
          These fight scenes won't just be there to be a fight btw. This is a showcase of strength. You will learn small little snippets of information about each of the 05 girls.


@MrPluto11 the former. But depending how long the fight scene will be, if it's shorter, then the latter. But, since there's also some lore mixed into the fighting scene, it's better to go with the former.


Important question regarding the O5-10 book. 
          Anyways I’m pretty sure it’s already been well-established within the book that it’s pretty action-packed. The romance is coming don’t worry, I just plan to make it very very slowburn.
          But regarding the fight scenes, I must ask, would you guys be interested in seeing the POVs of the other O5 girls whenever there’s a fight scene with them that DOESN’T include (Y/N)?
          (Example: (Y/N) and the other O5 girls get separated. One of the O5 girls (let’s say O5-11, Amalia Voigt) meets SCP-096 and ends up fighting him. Would y’all wanna see that fight play out? I’d basically be switching from your POV to O5-11’s pov. Or maybe third person would be better.)
          I’m asking because I know POV-switches can kind of be immersion killers. Plus I wouldn’t wanna make y’all sit through a scene that you’re not interested in. 


@MrPluto11 I honestly want to know how the other O5 members fight. The Council is supposed to be powerful, second to the administrator. So a fight scene to show how they were put in those position with them should be nice.


@MrPluto11 you know, I think POV of a character sounds nice, maybe you should try that


I’m still alive. Next chapter of O5-10 is gonna start off quick with a big fight. Hope y’all ready for that. Feel free to reread and catch up on the extremely wonky plot line. 


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@0BlackBaron0 Hell yeah. I loved that part too. I’m gonna roll with it and make this shit even crazier.


@MrPluto11 ah yes, I loved the part where we had to team up with aliens to kill a person