
also CORRODED HISTORIES got removed since it uses ai in the writing portion… Don’t get me wrong, I am very blatant on being a Jan. AI user and wear that badge with pride, but work and writing is one of those bridges that stuff just SHOULD NOT be in. 
          	Sorry for you fangirls. You’ll probably never see that fic again
          	As for The Paintgun Fic, that one is affectively paused until I become enough of a artist for a new cover, or port the full thing to A03.


also CORRODED HISTORIES got removed since it uses ai in the writing portion… Don’t get me wrong, I am very blatant on being a Jan. AI user and wear that badge with pride, but work and writing is one of those bridges that stuff just SHOULD NOT be in. 
          Sorry for you fangirls. You’ll probably never see that fic again
          As for The Paintgun Fic, that one is affectively paused until I become enough of a artist for a new cover, or port the full thing to A03.


Hayyy guys, haven’t seen yall, quick announcement 
          Due to… Let’s just say friendgroup issues and losing all will to use this site due to them, I’m moving to A03. I’m keeping this account for formatting purposes, but do expect me to eventually completely delete this account. I got leaked anyway.


* You called out, but nobody came.
          || Underverse is officially cancelled as of the making of this post. I’m… Kind of sad about it, but honestly, I expected this to happen. In a world where creators are getting doxxed, harassed and rumors are spread, there is a point that the internet will fold back on itself. This is one of those moments.
          || People do not learn. They will continue the cycle, and see the consequences of their actions. Then they do it again. It will always happen. It can’t be stopped, and never will.


idk what was happening but i'm sorta sad


life never can get better on the internet 


happy birthday to me
          happy birthday to me
          happy birthday dear Sandmannnnn
          Happy birthday to me


@FNKYFR1D4YPR0 its okay!!!
            i missed your post because its almost the end of holidays and im (trying) to write a niche oneshot


grr=rrrnrmrm hi


Part two
          The 5 prophets 
          A faceless being, one of which doesn't really exist
          The only one who knew the truth, burned at the pyre for simply being
          A chaotic jester, familiar yet oh so different, betrayed by the only one he truely trusted
          A young one, who trapped himself under strife and pain until it ripped them apart from the inside-out
          A prophet in making, full of ego and jealousy, who bit the lions tail in a fit of curiosity 


As a little celebration, you all get a lil' treat related to Paintgun's wattpad story :3 You get no context have fun figuring this out
          Part 1.
          Ink - a pride of 13 lions in a mirror maze 
          Dream - a shackled, gluttonous beast, afraid to free itself for fear of what is above it
          Swap - a meek bunny in wolf's clothing, seeking only to be one with what it is not


I would pay actual money for a system fanfiction/nonfiction made by a system
          Just… I have nada understanding for how it even works (because I am rightfully terrified at making a horrendous first impression in a discord or something)
          being able to peek into a systems mind and trying to understand how they have like 17+ people inside their head at all times (and how they even handle all those voices/thoughts…) will probably be the most interesting thing I can do, like ever


this message may be offensive
Sorry for the lack of updates, a LOT of shit happened. Here’s a short list to keep it nice and sweet:
          - Got kicked out of my dads house, moved to my mothers
          - Moved to a new school (very good!); Still organising TAFE and work for Wednesdays and Fridays however. “Shyness” and my habit for gaming/writing whenever is still kicking my ass
          - Fought recently in court to get a restraining order for my dad; it was successful and I will be back there in March
          - hit a MASSIVE writing wall and retreated to my tumblr and reddit account to fester
          - Running a fucking e tournament in the middle of all this mess
          On other hands, that Paintgun fic I pre-released will get an update after 22 Feb-ish (after the tournament)