Newsflash (not really) I like to write my main characters OP as hell
am I gonna ever nerf one? Only when the plot requires it
Shoutout to NY Giants fans y’all got rid of Golladay finally god bless
Ladies and gentlemen after 10 months of waiting without further ado the new chapter for The Witcher Hero is out!!! More new chapters to arrive in the following days
Have a good day y’all
Shit Idek how this thing works but okay
Hello people this is M.S 81 after a year and months of witcher hiatus I’ve been taking days to continue the works of the story as to why it has been under a blank for a good while now. Between mental blockades and creative locks I intend to finish this in due time from the moment I started it
Good day y’all stay safe out there
M.S 81