
I mad a new story so please like it
          	I just published "ep 1: pilot" of my story "Shadow legacy:Reborn ".


Hey guys. I'm going to be here posting just sorry for what i said. I was just mad that day so please don't hold anything if someone even seen this but i have more episodes coming soon
          I just published "episode 2: new friend same organization" of my story "The Price of Salvation (for the boy, not necessarily the demon king)".


Hey guys, i made a new story and this one was my first idea for a anime so i hope y'all like it.
          Side note: The random anime faces that shown is the face expression my character making. :)
          I just published "ep 1: New body " of my story "The Price of Salvation (for the boy, not necessarily the demon king)".


Hello everyone. I posted a New episode and i be posting another one tomorrow for mondrer school so please stwy toon.  Thanks and good bye 
          I just published "the new power in town (2/2)" of my story "Demon Prince: Time to reclaim the demon realm ".