
Has anyone ever changed oil for a living, offering free oil changes to Veterans and active military? 
          	Veteran’s Day is an extremely busy day, ten consecutive hours of non-stop work with no breaks…. so you can imagine I didn’t have much time or energy to add to anything yesterday.
          	Today I’m still working but I should have the time and energy to work on “The Vet’s Life After”, as I’m actually excited to write again after my unannounced hiatus.
          	That’s all I had to say, have a good day everyone!


Has anyone ever changed oil for a living, offering free oil changes to Veterans and active military? 
          Veteran’s Day is an extremely busy day, ten consecutive hours of non-stop work with no breaks…. so you can imagine I didn’t have much time or energy to add to anything yesterday.
          Today I’m still working but I should have the time and energy to work on “The Vet’s Life After”, as I’m actually excited to write again after my unannounced hiatus.
          That’s all I had to say, have a good day everyone!


Alright, one vote means I'm going with Option 2 and focusing on "The Vet's Life After" since I know @Torquesnek wants this continued before I so much as think of another story....
          In all seriousness though, I finally decided where the story goes and how it'll end so once my little "vacation" is over I'll be continuing at a *decent* rate for me.
          Now with that said, I'll still rewrite "Assassination Academy" on the side as a way for me to get through writer's block, since I noticed writing for a different story helps me think of ways to add "fluff" or filler to my chapters.
          Alright, have a nice day everyone!


Okay, so I'm stuck on something and I want some help real quick....
          I'm currently left with three options, and I want whoever decides to read this (I'll give it about a week, give or take depending on how busy I get) to help me finally decide how I'm going to operate moving forward.
          OPTION 1: Do as I have, write whatever stories I already have published depending on whichever one I feel I can make progress on.
          OPTION 2: Focus solely on one story (will most likely be "The Vet's Life After", which I have finally decided on where I want the story to go)
          OPTION 3: Write whatever I feel like (I'm currently writing the first few hundred words of a new story I suddenly *really* wanted to do while listening to Payton Parrish....)
          Regardless of the outcome, I'll stick to it; that much I can do to repay for my laziness and lack of updates.
          With that, have a nice day and thank you for reading!


@Torquesnek Alright, thanks for the input; I honestly didn't know if anyone would vote.... now I'll just give it a few more days to see if any others make a vote or not.
            Luckily for me, Option 2 was what I was going to go with if no one voted anyways.


@Mr_Miscellanious Option 2 so you can finish the story then do the other ones