
Yo. I'm planning to finish up Chapter 6 Part 1 and 2 but after that, I won't be able to do anything because I'm gonna try to get my life together. I'm currently homeless but hopefully, I won't be for too much longer. I'm finally at a place where I think I can actually work my way back up to my feet because my brother let me stay with him for a bit so I can get my mind together. Just wanted to let y'all know why I haven't been posting consistently.... Well, I don't know what else to say but I'm gonna post the 2 parts either tonight or tomorrow. Next time I announce anything, I'll most likely be on my feet and able to post more often. Peace guys ✌️


Yo. I'm planning to finish up Chapter 6 Part 1 and 2 but after that, I won't be able to do anything because I'm gonna try to get my life together. I'm currently homeless but hopefully, I won't be for too much longer. I'm finally at a place where I think I can actually work my way back up to my feet because my brother let me stay with him for a bit so I can get my mind together. Just wanted to let y'all know why I haven't been posting consistently.... Well, I don't know what else to say but I'm gonna post the 2 parts either tonight or tomorrow. Next time I announce anything, I'll most likely be on my feet and able to post more often. Peace guys ✌️


Yo. Been a while since I've said anything here lol. Anyway, just wanted to say that life's really dragging me through the mud right now but I'm still working on the story. Just haven't had the time or patience these days. But just know that I haven't forgotten about it


@KouMukami4life24 that's completely understandable. I honestly liked Orochimaru simply because he knew what he wanted and took it when he could. In my opinion, who wouldn't want power, ya know? But I was and still am completely against his ways of going about it.


@Mr_N0body19 Yea but you can still like the characters u don’t have to like the plot that much twt I love kou for reasons i really can’t explain in words it’s just unexplainable I mean I can explain it but… I guess it’s a little bizzare or the reasons are a little suggestive not 18+ type but just generally … I like kou I’m a Aquarius like he is but that doesn’t change anything


@KouMukami4life24 I see. That's probably why then. Never really been a fan of that type of stuff, but to each their own, right? Like you said, people can like what they like. I'm not really one to judge either way. Unless I'm given a good reason of course.


Sorry it's taking so long on the new chapter of the rewrite. We've been working on moving and have no clue where we're going yet. When we get done, I'll try to keep a steady schedule of sorts to work on it. But anyways, until next time. Peace guys ✌️


Anyone else's home page just not workin? I've closed and reopened the app multiple times and it still won't do anything


@ugandanknucklesking oh wow. It's just completely not working for me.


@Mr_N0body19 I’m somewhat between it working an not working 


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I think I might rewrite my story. I'm older now and A LOT of it is mad corny and it'd be easier to do that than pick through literally everything and change it. Not only that but I feel like I should change my writing style. Right now it's: 
          Me and Issei walk in and give each other a fist bumb before going to our seats.
          Boe: *scatching head* is it just me or is school kinda more ass than usual?
          Issei: *nodding* that's what I'm saying.
          We both start paying attention as the teacher walks in and starts the class.
          But I feel like a lot more people, including me, would rather it be like:
          Me and Issei walk in class, making sure to give each other a fist bump before we sat in our seats.
          "Is it just me or is school kinda more ass than usual?" I say, scratching my head as Issei nods. "That's what I'm saying..." he responds as the teacher comes in, grabbing our attention before starting the class.
          Also, I want to restart so I can string things along better. Right now, there's too many ideas going through my head to just throw characters in because I think they'd be a cool addition like Shisa. He was pretty much a made-on-the-spot character and I want to do better in adding him and future characters to the story. I don't know if anyone still reads these but if you do, the next chapter might not come out and instead the whole story will be refined and I'll continue on with it there. But I'll make sure to let everyone know what I end up doing. Probably by tomorrow if not tonight. Peace guys


@Yuvelzxc10 it's no problem. I enjoy writing it. Thank you for wanting to read it. And you have a great day too XD


@Mr_N0body19 thanks for continuing your story tho and have a great day ahead xD ✧⁠\⁠(⁠>⁠o⁠<⁠)⁠ノ⁠✧


you good?


That's good I guess you gotta keep it real motherfucker got what was coming too him


@memekilla421 also, they put me as a witness


@memekilla421 long story short, I beat this guy up because he thought he was gonna beat on a woman in the house I live in and because the bitch didn't show up, I have 1 more court case to go to


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I have court tomorrow... My mom said that I HAVE to dress up or the judge will send me to jail. This some bullshit. They act like I'm finna hide a blade in the damn fabric of a t-shirt, gym shorts or some slides.


@jonparkerjr08 it's fine. Me and my brother kinda jumped him but he only hit him a couple times before he stopped to tell me to stop choking him (:


@THE_DevilK1ng  bro i wish i was there we wouldve jumped this man but im 13... but anyways i hope the dude learned his lesson