
I think my losing my passion for writing. I'm working on getting it back, don't worry, and I'm still going to update. Or maybe, IT'S JUST THE HEAT GETTING TO MY HEAD! :(


          Did some math, it'll take me 14 hours to write 7 chapters which has a 1k words each. And 6 minutes which approximately takes the average reader to read about 1,000 words. 1,000 words for each 7 chapters is approximately 14 hours of writing. It'll be 42 hours once I go through and edit (not counting the breaks and life goals.) 3,000 words for 7 days I'll be at 21,000 words by the end of the week.
          And it takes about, and at my skill of writing; about 2 hours and 20 minutes to write 1,000 words with no breaks, etc. 
          In total, 147 hours of writing.
          I know I probably got some calculations off, but I'm tired. I don't have to explain what being tired does to a person. Or how one functions when they are tired. Yes, that's my excuse if I got any calculations off. Sue me. (Please don't)
          I did this all to help you understand why chapters might take long to come out, and to also set a goal for myself.


NEEDED (Simon X hybrid male) UPDATE! This is going to be a short update. I got the first chapter almost done! Expect it to be re-released sometime soon! I hope you guys like the changes I did, because it flows much better now! And Simon Ghost riley is now Gaz, because I thought- just kidding. Anyway, fixed the bug where Simon was acting like the fandom Ghost and not the canon Ghost. Fixed my confidence to write Crow issue. And fixed the story. Love y'all.
          God I want a (Keegan/Simon Riley) cosplayer boyfriend


♪♪♪ That boy is a monster~~~♪♪♪ anyway, I dislike myself right because I ain't do NOTHING! I have been on tiktok for the past few days and neglecting my Fanfic's... I'm a terrible writer...WHO DOES THAT? Not me, I think...I try not to be. Anyway, I'm forcing myself to write because it won't write itself OKURRRR


Writing a kiss scene for two guys...their name starts with a S, and the other a C. Hint, you all know him, and love him, he's cold-hearted and loves himself a tea. Who could it be? Who can it be? Only I, only the author knows, only I know who it could be and can be *Smirks*


He kissed him, and they kissed back. It was... Unfamiliar to him, but not to the guy he was tasting at this moment, he never did this, but felt right. Right to be in his arms, right to be beside him. God did he love it, or so he thought he loved it, hell only recently he could feel secure enough to start showing his feelings, and how to handle them. Love? Anger? Lust? All new, but they...they helped him understand his feelings for the first time in his life. Who knew a man who was only made to take life could feel. Cold-hearted melted away, and heartless finally got a heart. Who's cold-hearted? And who's heartless? Good question.