
Hi everyone, 
          	Today, I would like to share a message with you all. Please be aware that this is purely an expression, and not at all a personal attack. For a while I have been fueled with the passion of other artists alike, being a traditional writer, and artist myself I understand the hurt that comes with the form of computer generated images known as AI. 
          	I do not use it for my work whether it be writing or drawing because I believe in order to have something meaningful it must come from the heart. You must work to get that special feeling of self gratitude. Now I will admit that I am also no stranger when it comes to experimenting. Yes I have played around with AI in the past, and found that it cannot generate anything as superior as something that would come from my own imagination. If I want something or a design to be exact, I find that I have to do it myself. The human brain is far superior to any machine when it comes to that.
          	In any case I remind you, this is only a writing expression of my thoughts and those that I feel need to hear this around me. Please be kind to others, even in their ignorance.
          	The message:
          	May all the worst of luck come to you. That the gods of art, soul and creation look down upon you, and sneer in the upmost intent of ruining the dirt and slime you call yourselves. I speak for those who can’t, for the ones who have worked so hard to be. For those who weathered through harsh judgment and tears. For those who learned and practiced to receive their gift. You are jealous of the fiery passion and determination of those brave enough to pick up a pencil. Jealous of the ones who pour so much heart and emotion into the masterpieces we create. May the gods bestow their mighty wrath upon you for thinking so highly of the sludge you call AI art. 


Hi everyone, 
          Today, I would like to share a message with you all. Please be aware that this is purely an expression, and not at all a personal attack. For a while I have been fueled with the passion of other artists alike, being a traditional writer, and artist myself I understand the hurt that comes with the form of computer generated images known as AI. 
          I do not use it for my work whether it be writing or drawing because I believe in order to have something meaningful it must come from the heart. You must work to get that special feeling of self gratitude. Now I will admit that I am also no stranger when it comes to experimenting. Yes I have played around with AI in the past, and found that it cannot generate anything as superior as something that would come from my own imagination. If I want something or a design to be exact, I find that I have to do it myself. The human brain is far superior to any machine when it comes to that.
          In any case I remind you, this is only a writing expression of my thoughts and those that I feel need to hear this around me. Please be kind to others, even in their ignorance.
          The message:
          May all the worst of luck come to you. That the gods of art, soul and creation look down upon you, and sneer in the upmost intent of ruining the dirt and slime you call yourselves. I speak for those who can’t, for the ones who have worked so hard to be. For those who weathered through harsh judgment and tears. For those who learned and practiced to receive their gift. You are jealous of the fiery passion and determination of those brave enough to pick up a pencil. Jealous of the ones who pour so much heart and emotion into the masterpieces we create. May the gods bestow their mighty wrath upon you for thinking so highly of the sludge you call AI art. 


Hi everyone,
          I apologize for the highatus while I was away in college. As I said in my last post I was not so professional in the past as with every kid on the internet there will always be those times where things get messy, people make mistakes, and stuff just happens.
          Unlike I have said earlier in the past as a result of the first and last book vote that we had here. I will no longer me doing said “book votes”. However every so often I will be open for requests. Those will be posted here on my board or in the update book. Regardless which book I choose to work on and post next from now on will remain anonymous. With the exceptions of said requested books that I have reviewed and approved.
          As for the news of today, there’s a new book out! #TheKing’sDelight (King Andrias X reader) if you’re a recent or old Amphibia fan go check it out. I highly recommend it! Especially when there will be a comic coming out alongside future chapters to help engage and bring the reader further into the story!
          With these things said, I have my weekends back so I will be working on and off of things during that time. I am also working on a new YouTube series called That Mouse! I don’t have anything up on it yet other than the pilot season. If you like goofy animations based off of the style of Ser Pelo then go check it out! My YouTube channel is called SparkligonAnimations. Though my channel is pretty over due for an overhaul soon. I’m planning on doing that after the first official pilot of That Mouse airs!
          Once again, thank you all so much for reading! Have a wonderful evening I love you all so much! Have fun and KEEP READING!!! ✌️


One more thing I would like to add for future reference. When the hiatus is over I will be trying to look at things in a more professional manner. I understand that I was not so professional in my past posts as then I was not as mature or grown as I am now. Hopefully this will make things better here, hopefully this will make things better for "you" as my readers! 
          Thank you all, one last time. Your patience is appreciated!


          Hi everyone, I would like to apologize for my absence. My account and progress on books was thrown into a huge hiatus, and will unfortunately remain that way for some time.
          This is IMPORTANT so please understand, at the beginning of this last summer I had just entered college, REAL college for the first time. Now it is an exellerated course that I am taking for veterinary assistance. But because of this I have not had a lot of time on my hands and as I am writing this I am using up a small window of my study time to tell you all this.
          I really do appreciate all of you and never thought my account could have grown this much from the first time I started on here. I have even met one of my best friends on here for the first time through the years! 
          So as said, there will still unfortunately be no further updates or any books coming out in the future for the time being. I do however want to thank you all for your patience, you are all so awesome for sticking with me through this rough time. I hope to get activity back up and running on here as soon as I can. In the meantime, thank you once again for your patience. You guys/gals and peeps are amazing! Keep Reading!! 


Quick update today,
          I know there has been a bit of a hiatus going on here on this account. I am trying to work on a close to proper/semi professional book while also dealing with personal issues as well. But, don't worry I am working on solving those problems right now, even if I have to do it alone. Once those are resolved then I will hopefully get back to work on the books I would like to share with you all.
          That is all for today, hope you're all doing great!


          Hey everyone,
          I apologize for the lack of work once more. It's been a bit of a busy week lately and this weekend will be busier than ever!
          We are adopting into the family this weekend so things are quite important with that. As far as books go I have a simple plot for one book and I've jotted down a few notes. For those of you who are reading the update book. That is pretty much all that is going on right now. Sorry to disappoint you all.


Hello everyone!
          I’m so exited for the vote today and I hope you are too!
          So once again, here is how this is going to go, I have three books that I have chosen for you all to decide. You may vote YAY and then the title of the book you are voting for. Please only vote ONCE, and the book with the most votes will be my top priority to finish. 
          With all that said, let’s start the vote!
          Bob X reader 2 (A Second Chance at Romance)
          A Beautiewood (Wally X Reader)
          Tales of the Trolls (The Reindeer and the Mountain Prince, They call him Mo, A Hunter’s Guide to Trolls)
          Now that we have all the books down, all I will say is hope you guys have an amazing day, and happy voting!


Hi everyone!
          A quick reminder that the book vote is tomorrow!
          How it is going to work… I have three selective books I have chosen carefully.
          You can vote on one book at a time only, so don't vote on multiple books, the book with the most votes will be the book I work on for you guys! Now there are a few books that I am currently working on that won't be in the vote.
          Tittles that will not be in the vote:
          Beetlejuice AU (A Ghost Alike)
          Ormurrin (The Crown of Kings)
          Ormurrin (Shadow beast)
          Devil Flower (The first case)
          Books that will be in the vote:
          A Beautiewood (Wally Darling X reader)
          Bob X reader 2 (A Second Chance at Romance)
          Tales of the Trolls (The reindeer and the mountain prince, They call him Mo, A troll hunter's guide)
          The book vote will be held on the 25th so keep watch, and keep reading!


Hi everyone, if there actually is anyone left.
          This is a reminder that the book vote will be very soon, I'm planning to post it after my Birthday which is the 22. So if anyone still looks at my conversations, keep an eye out.
          Also, just want to know how many people actually do still look at my stuff and that I'm not just talking to the air. Show in the comments with a <3 that you are still actively waiting for new content? 
          I know I go through quite a lot of dormant periods (haiatus) but I promise I am still invested in writing books for you guys to read and enjoy.


@katie_the_inkslinger why would it be sad that they're moving on to college!? I'm going to college soon and actually getting my life together. I will still be working on books in my spare time. However I am no longer doing "Troll hunter" books. But I will be writing books about norwegian trolls from my families traditional stories rather than the Spanish rock trolls from Gerimo Del turo stories


I still look at your books! I love the gunmar x y/n books! It’s sad that this generation of writers are moving onto jobs and college but thumbs up to all the writers still able to come back and do a little writing!