
Hello hon! I'm known by my followers as Nana, even though that's not my real name ;). I just read your new story and I just wanted to ask if you've ever written poetry before? Your chapter My Life was saddening because I've felt the same way. It's good to let it out sometime, I did what you just did too in my book called My Life. 
          Okay I'll stop going on and on and just get to the point.
          If you need anything just drop by, and darling expose yourself more. Maybe write a bit about yourself? There are amazing people out there who could be true friends. I met tons on wattpad, it was truly my saving grace. 
          So if you need anything at all be sure to drop by, I'm almost on 24/7.


@07292cupcakes  thank you so much ! 
            And I have never written poetry before..other then in school you know...but thank you so much ❤❤❤