K so
I’m sure all of you have noticed by now that I’ve basically dropped off the radar recently, and that’s my fault. For a week I was busy, a weekend I had parties, a couple of hours I’ve had to do chores and stuff. But I’ve had time to actually rp, and I haven’t used it, and that’s on me.
Truth be told, I’m probably gonna be on way less in the future, mostly because of 2 things.
1. The primary device I use for Wattpad (IPad) is loaned to me, and since I’m going into high school I won’t be able to use it anymore.
2. I’ve gotten into D&D and my mind likes to theory craft so I can spend literally hours doing absolutely nothing but reading.
This isn’t a goodbye, it’s more of an apology. With the pandemic going on and everything, I think my lack of a social life is actually hurting my ability to rp online for some reason, and I’m also just really tired and bored. I’ll try to be a bit more active but like half of the rps I’m in are dead so :/.
Anyways, I love you all, and you’ll hopefully see more of me in the future? Idk, but maybe.