
          	its been long since i have posted on wattpad but recently i  have written a Bengali horror story. I will post on wattpad some days later but in the meantime you can read that story from reddit. 
          	here's the link :
          	**don't forget to give upvotes..


          Please help me find this story
          Name(i think): ভালবাসার টান/টানে
          প্রধান চরিত্র: শানজা তালুকদার (single mother of two twins working as an air hostess)
          Story length: 42 parts+-
          Kahini in short: she meets a half bengali boy with blue/green eyes (dad Bengali. Mom USA ) in an amusement park (fantasy kingdom maybe)who came to bangladesh to visit his relatives. Fxxs him before her wedding night. He gives him a diary as a gift. Gets caught by her mother. Wedding gets called off. Turns out she's pregnant. With twins. She gives birth. They have blue/green eyes. Takes job as air hostess to support kids. Finally decides to find out where their father is after 5 years. Figures out where he lives. Somewhere in USA. Pays him a visit under the pretext of returning the diary. Turns out he's married to a baddie who's apparently cheating on him with his cousin (constantly drunk). 
          A notable scene: he goes to a Bangladeshi restaurant because he missed the memories he made in Bangladesh. Orders khichuri/biryani. Eats with his hand without spoon or anything. His baddie wifey gets icks seeing this. 


          its been long since i have posted on wattpad but recently i  have written a Bengali horror story. I will post on wattpad some days later but in the meantime you can read that story from reddit. 
          here's the link :
          **don't forget to give upvotes..


It's been a long time..
          So how are you guys??
          So tell me what should i write next???


@MrigankaRoy write anything man... I'm starving for good stories... 

          আমি জানি সবাই ফেলুদার ভক্ত।তাই সকলেরজন‍্য একখানা উপহার। গানটির নাম ' মগজাস্ত্র ' ,  আমার নিজের লেখা । আশা করি ভালো লাগবে। YouTube এ আপলোড করলাম। উপরের দেওয়া লিংক থেকে শোনা যাবে। ভাল লাগলে শেয়ার করে অন্য ফেলুদা ভক্তদের কাছে পৌঁছে দিতে ভুলবেন না !


The best writer ...haann...mrigu 


@Kasberry seta ami valo korei jaani... kotota sotti


@MrigankaRoy khilli na  ..u rr a gd writer mrigu


Hey, have you read my Stories???
          Not yet hah??
          Make sure to check them out too.
          I promise those are worth of reading too.
          1. Dead messages - Best rank #6 in horror
          2.The killing instinct - Best rank #77 in mystery/thrilleer
          3.I love you daddy - Best rank #34 in horror
          4. The black bird - Best rank #24 in history friction
          5. The spooky call - Best rank #44 in horror
          6. The journey - Best rank #39 in horror
          7.The more and less like human- best rank #190 in general friction 
          ***AND MANY MORE***