
Attention all followers...below are the titles of the books in order for the upcoming series.
          	Prequel: before the legend #1: the legend begins #2: the legend's turn (opposites attract) #3: the next legend (the next generation) #4: the legend blurs (down with the queen) #5: the legend fades #6: the legend rises (welcome back) #7 the legend's return #8 the legend's end
          	For those who read all my books in the past comment and tell me if you like the new titles, if you're a new follower then tell me which one sounds the most bad ass. 


Attention all followers...below are the titles of the books in order for the upcoming series.
          Prequel: before the legend #1: the legend begins #2: the legend's turn (opposites attract) #3: the next legend (the next generation) #4: the legend blurs (down with the queen) #5: the legend fades #6: the legend rises (welcome back) #7 the legend's return #8 the legend's end
          For those who read all my books in the past comment and tell me if you like the new titles, if you're a new follower then tell me which one sounds the most bad ass.