Hello :) I'd like to take the time to announce that Bella II is most likely discontinued (99% sure but I'll never say never). I'm sorry to anyone who's still waiting on it, but hopefully this message grants you some closure. Simply put, I feel the project is too deeply rooted in ideas and feelings I had when I was 13 through 17, and I feel no motivation to continue building off of that. That being said, I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to finish Bella, and even more so for all the support! I still read (and occasionally reply to) most of the comments I get. Receiving continuous support over the course of seven years has seriously been mind blowing. Bella wouldn't have been half as fun to write without getting to talk to you all. And given that there are some loose ends to the story that the sequel might've answered, I'll answer any questions y'all have if you'd like to ask them below. As for future projects unrelated to Bella: maybe.