
For the two or three people who were reading my book, I'm taking it down. I just wasn't into it anymore. I might finish it, but I'm working on something new. I feel like my book was below me. I can do better and that book was an underachievement. The grammar, writing, and wording was bad in my opinion. 


Hey, I can no longer access my page (MrsAlsina_Nation) so my new page is this one. As soon as I try to remember my storyline (which I had on this account) I will start writing. But, in conclusion I can no longer use this page, so MrsAlsina_Nation2 is where I know am.


For the two or three people who were reading my book, I'm taking it down. I just wasn't into it anymore. I might finish it, but I'm working on something new. I feel like my book was below me. I can do better and that book was an underachievement. The grammar, writing, and wording was bad in my opinion.