Hey umm I can't seem to find the comments you left on my story. Did you delete them? Nevermind, anyway.
I just wanted to first of all thank you very very much for taking the time out to read, vote and comment on it. You're truly lovely. Thanks a trillion ❤
Also, I'd like to apologise if anything I wrote offended you in any way. It truly was not meant to, and I'm very sorry if it did. I can assure you, that was not the intention.
Nathan is a bit of a stupid character. He says stupid things and does stupid stuff, like all people. He's just a bit sh*t at geography, ya know? I know Africa is a great continent, and it's just like any other place with a load of different cultures and countries and people. I was in no way generalising anything, or purposely trying to. Neither was my character- he was just being a bit thick, ya know?
So I'm sorry, sincerely, if you got offended. It was not the intention and I'm honestly so so sorry if it came across that way.
Peace ✌