Just posted a surprise update for One Side! You're welcome! My way of saying I'm still here & I haven't forgotten my stories. YALL stories & this writer's block been distracting me on top of work. It's given me inspiration though for my works in so that's a good thing. My biggest inspiration is when y'all COMMENT!!!! VOTE!!!! Speaking of VOTE, I hope ALL my followers are registered & if you can vote EARLY, DOOOOO ITTTTTT!!!!! OUR VOTE MATTERS MORE THAN EVER this election. It's SOOOO important, I want to push y'all! If you've voted already, comment below & lmk what story you want me 2 update next! I'll be watching & tallying each comment until the end of day FRIDAY! That means y'all got 3 DAYS!!!! GET OUT & VOTE! SUBMIT THAT BALLOT VIA MAIL!!!! The story with the most requests will get a chapter ON election day! If y'all do your part, I'll do mine! LET'S DO THIS!!!!