this message may be offensive
When I tell you my jaw dropped, my heart jumped outta my mouth and got goosebumps when I saw the 'wicked in love' update was so surreal! I don't know if y'all have read this book "Spitfire in love" by @isabelleronin from 'in love' series but if you haven't then you are missing out on the most beautiful experience of life. If you haven't GO READ RIGHT NOW! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU WAITING FOR!!! P. S : Don't try to claim the love of my life Cameron coz he's mine for the last 6 years and forever will be. Sending love. x ~Mrs Cameron ;) (Also tell me about it after you've read it because I'm so sure that I swear on my first born child that you'll are gonna fall in love! )

@MrsCameronStLaurent oh and if you can't afford it coz it's paid you can always go for epub ❤