
A Sneak Peak of Next Episodes of Diamond Are A Girl's Best Friend...
          	“Wh- what do you want from me?” 
          	“Ms Preeti Kumari?” She asks me in a sing song voice, in English with the accent typical of this country.
          	She shoves a badge of some kind in front of my face.  
          	A tendril of confusion mixed with trepidation fills me, as I stand still .
          	“What do you want with me?” 
          	“We want you to tell us about Aaron Mizrahi.”
          	“I- I don’t know anything about him.” I answer truthfully.
          	“Don’t play coy with us Preeti Kumari. We are interested to know about your boyfriend, more importantly, his clients!"
          	If you wanna know what happens, stay tuned for this week's releases!


Hi! I read your book the molki bride book 1 on Kindle and it's so good!! When is the book 2 coming?


Hi, thanks for that dear. Unfortunatel, I started writing the second book and never finished it. I am hoping arey I finish the current book Edge of precipice, I wl b able to take the second book up.


A Sneak Peak of Next Episodes of Diamond Are A Girl's Best Friend...
          “Wh- what do you want from me?” 
          “Ms Preeti Kumari?” She asks me in a sing song voice, in English with the accent typical of this country.
          She shoves a badge of some kind in front of my face.  
          A tendril of confusion mixed with trepidation fills me, as I stand still .
          “What do you want with me?” 
          “We want you to tell us about Aaron Mizrahi.”
          “I- I don’t know anything about him.” I answer truthfully.
          “Don’t play coy with us Preeti Kumari. We are interested to know about your boyfriend, more importantly, his clients!"
          If you wanna know what happens, stay tuned for this week's releases!


Chapter Two of Book 2 of The Molki Bride updated!


@Cupcakecc23 Oh... I wish I knew... Work has been crazy last few months.. will try to sit down and start typing.. thanks for asking dear!


@MrsClaireBeauchamp when will you update The molki bride



Guess I'm feeling generous! Enjoy the double update! And as always, don't forget to hit the comments section...
          I just published "Chapter Forty Eight: Preeti" of my story "Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend".