Hi everyone...yeah its been a while since i uodated..HA...i am currently electronic less at the moment.. My "amazing" sister is letting me borrow her phone and BAM!!here i am
*sister creeps towards her* *sigh* Jesus Kiya what do you want?? "Don't do that child....but anyway Hi!! Im Kiya and also PrincessOfAmime!! Anyway go check me out and stay tuned for my dear sister!!"*Kiya says thumping DJ and walking away. *groans* "Mom do we have any cantaloupe!?""Yes why!?"*smirkes crazily* "well see you guys soon. I have some cantaloupe to blend""You better not touch my cantaloupe! I will literally find every last strawberry and blow them up along with your body!!"Kiya yells. DJ stands in fear. "What? Who said I was blending them im just gonna sit here"DJ says scared quickly sitting. *Kiya downstairs smirking like crazy!!*
Bye Guys!!!
@MegMeg935 thanks you! Youre vote will be counted on which host should maegen end up with! So i might shorten the time of when i will choose for the host !