
Hey guys, so I am super mega ultra extremely sorry about the HUGE wait for the next update on "I'd call you a nerd but you're more of a smart ass" but I promise you I'm getting to it!! I'll try and get it in very soon and I promise that I will NEVER make you wait this long for the next update again!!! Anyway again super sorry! 
          	Love you all. xoxo


@MrsHiroHamada  if it is about  school then i understand. I just  can't  wait any longer  i been waiting for about 2 years now . Still i forgive you cus your the best,smart,creative,and just so AMAZING .  PS luv you


Great Story!! Your story I'd call you a nerd but you're more of a smart ass , is one of my favorite fan ficts!! Continue the story please ? ☺️


@LegitSensai Haha, thank you very much. I'm really happy you're enjoying my story. I'm sorry I've taken so with some of the updates. Anyway again, I'm very happy you like my story. Haha, never thought my story would he as popular as it is. I hope you keep reading it. 


thanks for following me : )


@EatingSnowflakes Hehe, that's ok! Thank You for following Me. I like to follow those who follow me. :D 


Hey guys, so I am super mega ultra extremely sorry about the HUGE wait for the next update on "I'd call you a nerd but you're more of a smart ass" but I promise you I'm getting to it!! I'll try and get it in very soon and I promise that I will NEVER make you wait this long for the next update again!!! Anyway again super sorry! 
          Love you all. xoxo


@MrsHiroHamada  if it is about  school then i understand. I just  can't  wait any longer  i been waiting for about 2 years now . Still i forgive you cus your the best,smart,creative,and just so AMAZING .  PS luv you